Dental Implant Technology
The technology behind tooth replacement treatments such as dental implants helps make them one of the most secure and effective procedures in dentistry. Dental implants restore full dental health and improve chewing abilities, resulting in greater overall health for the patient.
Among the key technologies that make dental implants effective are CT scans. A CT scan is performed as the initial procedure for the dental implants process. The scan is performed to measure bone quality, jaw pathology, tooth measurements, and location of the maxillary sinus.
Determining the quality of the bone allows the dentist to evaluate how successful the dental implants will be. Irregular bone shape or inadequate bone density may require an additional bone regeneration treatment. CT Scans also look at jaw pathology. This is performed to evaluate any conditions or diseases that may affect the dental implant process.
If a CT scan is not performed, it becomes more difficult to determine the size, placement, and compatibility of the dental implant with your teeth. Northridge dental implants specialist Dr. Razi and his team at Mission Hills Dental perform scans of your teeth to improve the chances of a successful dental implants procedure. Schedule your appointment today and experience the most precise results in implant dentistry.